Locker Room Sports Privacy Policy

Last Updated: August 1, 2024

This Privacy Policy applies to your access and use of the mobile application, websites, and other online products and services (collectively, the “Services”) provided by Locker Room Sports, LLC (“LRS,” “Company,” “we,” “us,” or “our”). By using our Services, you agree to these Privacy Policy terms.   This Policy sets out how LRS may collect and use personal information which you provide through the Services.

LRS’s Privacy Policy terms are subject to change. To the extent required by applicable law, LRS will provide User with reasonable advance notice of any material updates or modifications by any reasonable means of notification, provided that non-material changes, feature updates, or modifications made for legal reasons (as determined by LRS) will be deemed to be effective immediately and without notice. Changes shall be in effect as of the “Last Updated” date listed atop this page. Your continued use of the Services after the Last Updated date constitutes your acceptance and agreement to such changes.

If you have been invited to contribute Athlete-specific content to an Athlete-specific gallery that has been established by a Guardian, Parent or non-minor Athlete for the purpose of capturing athletic accomplishments and the possible creation of Athlete Trading Cards by Athletes after the content has been approved by the Athlete’s Coach or responsible Club, Team or Organization, this Privacy Policy is for you, whatever your age and wherever you live. It’s also for parents or guardians of minors. This Policy covers LRS Services.



LRS collects any information that you provide to the Services, including for example, when you register for an account and provide your email address, a passcode, and your name. Depending on how you use the Services, the Organization may also collect:

  • Contact information such as address, birthday, expected graduation date, and phone number of athletes and family members
  • Team member information
  • Team information, such as rosters
  • Activity information you upload, including photos, videos, news, information, and other content
  • Transactional information

Third Party Payment Services

  • For the purpose of membership and additional service payments to support uploading athlete content, storage, authentication and Athlete trading card creation, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and/or third-party services may collect credit card information to process transactions.  LRS does not have access to, store, use nor share this information collected by the third-party service.

Third-Party Services.

  • Some parts of the Services from the LRS website or application may link to other (“Third-Party Services”) websites for the purpose of purchasing athletic ware and gear or other related services. LRS neither controls nor takes responsibility for any Third-Party Services nor their collection and use of information to process purchases. 
  • Any content, tools, or other materials created and owned by people or companies other than LRS, that is included as part of, or made available on the Services, LRS neither controls nor takes responsibility for any Third-Party Services. You understand that your use of the Services and, by extension, Third-Party Services, may subject you to fees, terms, and/or policies, such as a privacy policy, that are not controlled by LRS. By your use of the Services and integrated Third-Party Services, you agree to pay any fees and to follow any terms, conditions, and policies presented by those Third-Party Services.

California Consumer Privacy Act.

  • LRS shall not knowingly sell any “personal information” (as that term is defined by the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, as amended) belonging to a User, and LRS has taken and will continue to take all reasonable measures to protect such personal information under our control or in our possession from unauthorized access by third parties.

Automatically Collected Information

We may also collect information from your device when you use the Services, including:

  • Information about your computer, mobile phone, tablet, and all other similar electronic or mobile devices, including your IP address, operating system and browser type, device identifiers, device settings, device attributes, browser settings, and the web pages of the Services you have visited.


Your information may be used by us to:

  • Provide and deliver the products, services, and functionality that you request; process transactions, and send you related information
  • Monitor and analyze trends and usage
  • Develop, improve, and refine products, services, and functionality
  • Prevent fraud and defend legal rights
  • To comply with applicable law
  • Verify your identity and prevent fraud or other unauthorized or illegal activity
  • Carry out any other purpose for which the information was collected

Our legal basis to process information for these purposes includes that the processing is necessary for:

  • The LRS’s legitimate interests, including those described above and as necessary to provide the Services
  • Compliance with legal obligations
  • Where applicable, on the basis of the consent of users which may subsequently be withdrawn at any time by contacting us

Your Content

“Content” means any information, text, graphics, pictures, videos, or other materials uploaded, downloaded or appearing on LRS or LRS affiliates’ services.

Camera and Photos. To capture an Athlete’s highlighted athletic play or an accomplishment live using the devices camera or video capability, or out of the stored pictures, movies, or any other materials on your Device:

  • The LRS Services might require the use of your device’s camera and photo’s function, or any other permissions needed
  • The LRS Services may access your camera, photos or any other materials on your Device
  • LRS might draw your attention and get explicit consent when we need to access your device’s camera and photos function.

When you submit Athlete pictures or videos to any of the LRS Platforms, you retain ownership of what you uploaded or created for the Athlete’s gallery.  By uploading this content to the LRS Platforms, you grant a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide license to use, display, and distribute your content within the LRS Platforms or LRS affiliate network.  You agree that this license includes the right for LRS to make your Content available to others for the publication, distribution, syndication, or broadcast of such Content on other media and services.

Content from the Athlete’s gallery which is then authenticated become minted NFT’s and will appear in the Athlete’s Locker.  A finite number of minted NFT copies are distributed to the Athlete, Coach, a non-Athlete Content Contributor, LRS and LRS affiliated organizations.  An athlete can use their minted NFT content from their Locker to create Athlete Trading Cards that are also minted with a similar limited distribution of minted copies.  Athletes are also able to trade a limited number of their Trading cards with peers.  The transfer of these trading card copies conveys ownership rights of that minted copy of the trading card to the recipient receiving it.

  • User Sharing Content: The Services allow users, including minors, to share content with each other. However, users should be aware that once content is shared, it may be visible to other users according to their athlete gallery access settings and peers with whom a trading card copy has been exchanged. We encourage users and their parents or guardians to be mindful of the type of content shared and to understand the potential visibility of such content.
  • Minors’ Content: If you are a minor, any content you upload must be done with the consent of your parent or guardian. We reserve the right to remove content that violates these Terms.
  • Social Media Links: Minors may share social media links only with the approval of their parent or guardian. We do not guarantee the security of third-party social media platforms.
  • Your content will be able to be viewed by other users of the LRS Services and through third party services and websites. You should only provide Content that you are comfortable sharing with others under the terms of this Agreement. All Content, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, is the sole responsibility of the person who originated such Content or your Parent or Guardian if you are a minor. We may not monitor or control the Content posted via the Services other than for Locker Room Sports Community Standards. We do not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any third-party Content or communications posted via the LRS Services nor does LRS endorse any opinions expressed by third parties via the LRS Services. Any use of or reliance on any Content or materials posted via the LRS Services or obtained by you through the LRS Services is at your own risk. Under no circumstances will LRS be liable in any way for any Content, including, but not limited to, any errors or omissions in any Content, or any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any Content posted, emailed, transmitted or otherwise made available via the LRS Services or broadcast elsewhere.
  • You are responsible for your use of the LRS Services, for any Content you provide, and for any consequences thereof, including the use of your Content by other users and third parties. You understand that your Content will be published on the LRS Services and may be republished, and if you do not have the right to submit Content for such use, it may subject you to liability. LRS will not be responsible or liable for any use of your Content by LRS in accordance with this Agreement. You represent and warrant that you have all the rights, power, and authority necessary to grant the rights granted herein to any Content that you submit and that LRS’s use of your Content in accordance with this Agreement will not violate any law or infringe the rights of any third party.

We reserve the right at all times (but will not have an obligation) to remove or refuse to distribute any Content on the LRS Services and to terminate or suspend active use of your account.

Locker Room Sports Community Standards

  • Locker Room Sports mission is to provide safe & fun interactions for athletes and their family, friends, and coaches, which map a participant’s growth, milestones, memories, and journey during their playing years and beyond.  We’ve created these Community Standards to help ensure that everyone feels safe and welcome in our shared adventure.
  • At the time of Content capture or uploading by you, LRS will employ technology to attempt to detect any inappropriate content in the form of language or imagery and deny said content from being uploaded or shared.
    • To provide this filtering, we use human and automated checking to the best of our ability based on available technology – but like all filtering technology, these systems aren’t 100% effective. 
  • The galleries of Athletes will only contain content that has been uploaded by the Athlete, the Athlete’s Guardian and/or Family Members/Friends who can only be invited and approved to join the Athlete’s gallery by the Guardian
  • Athlete’s Coaches are a second level of oversight for any content the Athlete requests to be authenticated for their Locker and for potential inclusion on an Athlete’s Trading Card that may be traded with peers. 
  • The Community of Athlete, Guardian, and invited Friends and Family via the Guardian, should contact LRS  at should any content still be deemed inappropriate to our LRS Community Standards for LRS to remove the content.


The Organization and You may share information about you in the following ways:

  • Athletes are able to Trade Athlete Cards they have created from the multilevel code-of-conduct content review and coach-authenticated photo/video captures of plays or accomplishments with peers, that may include your Athlete name, team, photo/video content of a play, play description, development stats, social media links, or other Athlete specific athletic information intended and approved to be shared by you while maintaining conformance to the LRS Code of Conduct. 
  • The information collected for Users that are not Athletes, will not be disclosed to other LRS Users without your express request and permission on an individual basis (E.g., the LRS Services may simplify the exchange of contact information when both users approve the exchange and utilize LRS Services to execute the transaction)
  • Service providers that perform certain business-related functions on its behalf
  • Other Users: depending on how you use our role-based Services, your information may be available to other members of your Team or Athletic Organization.
  • As required by law in with Law Enforcement Agencies or Regulators.
  • Leading Governing Bodies: The Organization may share your information with a Leading Governing Body of your sport, for instance to confirm your eligibility to participate in a sport.

Security and Protection of Information

  • LRS uses encryption and authentication tools to protect your personal information. The information you may provide through Services is secured using industry-standard security matters to protect the loss, misuse, or alteration of the information under our control. While there is no such thing as perfect security on the Internet, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of your personal information. In addition, our employees are instructed that such information is to be used only in accordance with the principles of this Privacy Policy and applicable laws. Employees who misuse customer information are subject to disciplinary action.

Changes in Business

  • If LRS engages in a merger, acquisition, reorganization, bankruptcy, dissolution, sale of company assets, financing, public offering of securities, or due diligence and other steps in contemplation and negotiation of such activities, we may share or transfer information that we collect under this privacy policy, subject to standard confidentiality agreements.

Data Security

  • LRS takes data security very seriously and implements the industry’s best practices and policies. We take all reasonable measures to protect your information, and to prevent any kind of unauthorized access, misuse, loss, or disclosure.
  • While no system is infallible, we strive to keep our systems secure and constantly updated.


  • By using our LRS Services, you, or your Parent or Guardian on your behalf, hereby consent to our Privacy Policy and agree to its Terms and Conditions.

Are you Under 13 or responsible for an under-13-year-old?

If you’re under 13 years old, your access to certain future features may be restricted in the interest of protecting your Personal Information. LRS is especially committed to protecting the privacy of children. This part of the privacy policy is just for you.

  • First, get the go-ahead
    • If you’re under 13 years old, please get permission from your parent or guardian to join and use the Locker Room Sports App and Services. You shouldn’t use our Services without their go-ahead.
  • Information we collect if you’re under 13 years old
    • If you’re under 13 years old and create an account, we ask for some information (which is non-personal information) to let you use the LRS Services. 
    • We’ll collect:
      • Your username (required). We need this to create your account and run the LRS Service. We don’t use your username to identify you outside of LRS.
      • Your passcode (required). We need this to log you in to your account and to run the LRS Service
      • Your birthday (required). We’ll use your birthday to make sure your account has the correct default settings for you
    • For additional account security and parental controls, you have the option to provide a parent or guardian’s email. Children are encouraged to provide a parent’s email address but are not required to do so to create an account. Parent email addresses are collected for the security and integrity of your account and the LRS application. We may use your parent or guardian’s email address to communicate with them about your account, like asking them to review your account.
  • We don’t want more Personal Information
    • If you’re under 13 years old, we will only ask you to tell us the information we need to set up or protect your account. If you give us more of your Personal Information, we will:
      • delete any additional Personal Information we’ve collected from you (unless the law requires us to keep it),
      • cancel your account, or
      • turn on age-appropriate protections on your account


  • LRS IP. The interfaces, graphics, trademarks, design, information, artwork, data, code, products, software, business model, and all other elements of the Services, including the rights therein and any derivatives thereof, (“Locker Room Sports Intellectual Property” or “LRS IP”) are protected by law and LRS Terms of Service. All LRS IP is the property of Locker Room Sports, LLC.  Except as allowed in LRS Terms and any applicable Additional Terms, you may not use any LRS IP contained in the Services unless you obtain separate permission in each instance from the owner. LRS reserves all rights in/to the LRS IP not granted in this Privacy Policy, LRS Terms of Service or elsewhere in Additional Terms


Questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Policy should be addressed to Locker Room Sports







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